Monday, 24 May 2010

Blog tracking

Having started a rookie blog perhaps it's time to follow a true expert:

I have just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell's book: The Tipping Point - it examines how some social trends take root!

Playing catch.............up!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Monday, 17th. May 2010

I have set up my first ever blog to record my thoughts on the 'How 2' of 'Web 2:0'. Although not an entirely randomly generated number, the '23 Things' is sure to be a journey of consolidation and discovery in the world of technological wizardry. I'm game!!

I am hoping to develop a greater familiarity with this web world and add some of the '23 things' to my current computercentric routine: this currently stands at extensive googling from my own iGoogle page. Who knows? I might actually find out that I know more than I thought I did!